Do you know that approximately 25 million Americans have Asthma.?
Asthma accounts for over 1.8 million emergency room visits annually and about 500,000 hospitalizations each year. Asthma is responsible for approximately 4,000 deaths annually in the U.S.
Regular visits are clue for early detection and management of infections associated with Asthma and COPD, At True Care MD our team can help tailor treatments to reduce symptoms, prevent exacerbations, monitor lung functions and prevent hospitalizations. Early intervention can prevent severe complications, visiting your primary Care Team doesn’t necessarily mean bad news, on the other hand untreated conditions may lead to expensive hospitalizations or complications which are far costlier than routine care.

What is Asthma?
Asthma happens because the airways in the lungs get narrow and swollen; this can make it tough to get air in and out.
Common symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Astha can be triggered by various factors such as pollen or pet dander respiratory infections, cold air, exercise and smoke.
While asthma can’t be cured, our primary Care providers can help you effectively manage it with medications and by helping you identify triggers that make asthma worse. Asthma poorly treated could lead to irreversible health damage and even sudden death.
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
It is a condition that makes it hard for some people to breathe when the lungs are damaged from long term exposure to harmful substances, especially cigarette smoke, it usually develops in adults over 40 years old. Symptoms include chronic cough, mucus productions and shortness of breath that gradually worsens over time and the symptoms are not reversible due to the underlying permanent lung damage
Our dedicated Primary Care Providers at True Care MD are experts in providing medical care for Acute and chronic conditions like Asthma and COPD. Call our West Valley office in Peoria Arizona and schedule an appointment. We accept walk in patients